Supervision and Mentoring

Foxstones are committed to developing a highly effective workforce and believe this isn’t just about training. We offer 1-2-1 or small group supervision and mentoring support for practitioners, leaders and aspiring leaders. We have a particular passion for supporting women in leadership and have worked on leadership development in the UK and internationally as the current tutors on the Met. Office Essentials of Management leadership programme supporting leadership and management delegates from over 25 developing countries.

Whether it’s leading through change, managing staff, developing confidence or managing team well-being we can offer reflective conversations to develop self-awareness and provide tools and resources to identify solutions.

Foxstones training and learning

Client Reviews

  • I was feeling stuck but our sessions helped to build strategies and confidence to challenge staff constructively

    Early Help Manager

    Lancashire CC

  • “Caroline has supervised and mentored me over the last year and her support has been invaluable. She has provided me with a reflective space in which to learn and the tools to maintain positivity, reframe reality and engage with uncertainty. I cannot recommend her highly enough”

    Emma Pears

    CEO SELFA Children’s Charity

For more information and to speak to a member of our team please get in touch…